Friday, November 21, 2008

John Waters

After I had completed this illustration and sent the original to the client, a newsweekly on the East coast, the art director called to let me know he got it. We got to talking about Waters and how much we both enjoyed his films and what a wild aberrant creative force he is. Then the art director said the Waters was coming into the office for an interview and asked me if I wanted his autograph. I said sure. Well week passed and the illustration was returned to me in the mail. When I opened the package I saw that someone had scribbled across the illustration. Furious, I stormed into my studio picked up the phone. I was ready to assert myself when I noticed the scribble read "John Waters", just in time to thank the art director for getting me that autograph. Isn't that well…Devine?


Per said...

Stan, your stuff is very inspirational to me, it's so confident. Next class (illustrated narrative) can you bring more of your sketchbooks? I wanna look through em. thanks later.

ramonarickettes said...

Oh, WOW! This is gorgeous (goosebumps). Do you have prints for sale? How I would love to frame and reverently hang this in my living room. Please email ~Tracey